Chong Hyo

aboutChong Hyo Century Tae Kwon Do and Sword Art is a traditional Korean school. Here you will learn traditional Korean martial arts as well as the culture and language of South Korea. Our instructor, Master Jung Soo Park, is a 7 degree black belt and a native of South Korea, where he trained for  40 years in martial arts. His experience includes 30 years of teaching adults and children, 10 years in Korea and 20 years in the USA.


Chong Hyo is a family oriented school. We encourage parents to be involved in their child’s learning process, such as helping them prepare for testing and tournaments. We offer year round family activities including holiday parties, school picnics and events like rafting and super kids night.


We participate in tournaments throughout NYS several times per year, with events including forms, sparring, and board breaking. For three years we were voted “best school” at the NYS championship in NYC. At Chong Hyo, we pride ourselves in BH-BL community involvement. We visit all three elementary schools for after school programs every year. We participate in the Charlton Founders Day parade and the BH Flag Day parade annually. And our demonstration team gives volunteer performances at local nursing homes as well as tournaments and other various community events.


Our curriculum for children’s classes extends far beyond teaching forms, weapons, and sparring. We concentrate on teaching respect, discipline, confidence, and focus. We work with parents and teachers to help improve children’s grades in school and behavior both in school and at home. Our goal is to help build a foundation for a successful future for your children.


Our adult classes focus on learning Tae Kwon Do as a means of self-defense. Classes offer an intense cardio workout for fitness and weight control, giving you the energy for success in your busy life.


Tuition is on a monthly basis or if you prefer we offer one month free for those students who pay yearly. No contract is required.